Through the delivery of our customer engagement strategy, our goal is that you feel listened to, and the reality of your experience of RHP is understood by our teams delivering your homes and services.
We’re committed to using your feedback to influence the way we deliver our services, make decisions, and plan ahead.
We’ll also provide opportunities to scrutinise and feedback on our performance and the things which matter most to you.
You can download our Customer Engagement Strategy, including our 2024/25 implementation plan, below.
Ways to get involved
You can get involved, have your say, and influence what we do in one of the following ways:
- Contacting us about joining our customer scrutiny group – we meet every few months to discuss our service and policies.
- Getting involved in one of our service design opportunities to share your views on changes we’re making. We'll advertise these via our website, customer e-newsletter Beyond Bricks, and communal noticeboards.
- Coming along to a local drop-in session, run by our Community Engagement Team. We’ll keep you up to date on upcoming events via this page, Facebook, and communal noticeboards.
- Responding to a text survey about our services if we send you one.
- Taking part in a telephone survey. An independent market research company called IFF Research may call you from 0330 027 0103. They will ask questions about our service, like repairs, antisocial behaviour, and communal cleaning.
For information about how to raise a complaint, please visit our complaints page.
You spoke, we listened
Check out our latest ‘You spoke, we listened’ report, to discover how we’ve listened to your feedback and turned it into action.
Upcoming community engagement activities
Our upcoming Community Engagement events are:
Butts Farm Community Hub drop-in
- Thursday 6 February | 12pm – 3pm | Norman House, Saxon Avenue, Hanworth, TW13 5LZ
- Thursday 20 February | 12pm – 3pm
- Thursday 6 March | 12pm – 3pm
Mortlake Hall Community Hub
- Wednesday 29 January | 12pm – 3pm | Mortlake Hall, Mullins Path, SW14 8EZ
- Wednesday 5 February | 12pm – 3pm
- Wednesday 19 February | 12pm – 3pm
- Wednesday 5 March | 12pm – 3pm
- Wednesday 19 March | 12pm – 3pm
Whitton Community Centre drop-in
- Tuesday 18 February | 2pm – 4pm | 1 Percy Road, Twickenham, TW2 6J
- Tuesday 25 March | 2pm – 4pm
Guest events
Parent Champions Network - Powerstation Youth Centre
We occasionally hold drop-in session at the Parent Champions Network Café as guests of Achieving for Children’s Parent Champions Network. The Parent Champions Network was set up to build a network of volunteer parents that can provide non-professional, unbiased support and guidance to other parents who are currently experiencing or in need of peer-to peer support, or receiving Achieving for Children services. These events are held at the at the at Powerstation Youth Centre at 121 Mortlake High St, London SW14 8SN.
- Monday 10 February | 1pm – 3pm
- Monday 24 February | 1pm – 3pm
- Monday 17 March | 1pm – 3pm
- Monday 31 March | 1pm – 3pm
Ham Social Value Grant
RHP Group is working in collaboration with The Hill Group on the regeneration of Ham Close. There will be 452 new affordable and private sale homes and two new community facilities replacing the existing 192 homes.
As part of the procurement process and in addition to the section 106 funding, The Hill Group committed an additional £250,000 a year for a period of eight years to invest in social value and sustainability to support and build stronger communities in all areas that RHP operate. This investment in our communities will contribute towards the improvement of the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of our customers and the communities that they live in. We welcome applications for grant funding from our local customers, community groups, registered charities, and not for profit groups or social enterprises.
More information can be found in the document below. If you’d like to apply for funding complete the application form and return to: [email protected].