Complaints performance

If you'd like to raise a complaint, visit our complaints page.

You can download a detailed report of our complaint performance during 2023-24 by viewing our Annual Complaints Report below.

The RHP Board’s response to this report, and our Complaint Handling Code self-assessment is as follows:

"We acknowledge the recent complaints report and recognise the importance of managing complaints as a vital opportunity to listen to our customers. We understand the necessity of acting and responding quickly to address concerns.

"Key learnings from this report highlight the importance of maintaining accurate and comprehensive records, especially regarding customer vulnerabilities and service adjustments. By doing so, we ensure that every customer receives the appropriate support and service from us. Also providing customers with clear, timely updates is key to us improving our service and is captured in our lessons learnt improvement plan.

"We value the insight gained through complaints and determinations made by the Housing Ombudsman Service and it’s vital that we act quickly to address immediate issues and learning, whilst also implementing long-term improvements for our customers. Effective complaints management is central to our commitment to improve customer satisfaction and is an important area of focus for RHP."

Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) update

The Housing Ombudsman is an independent body that reviews housing complaints. We work in line with their Complaint Handling Code, which sets out good practices so landlords can respond to complaints effectively and fairly. You can see an update on the cases handled by the Housing Ombudsman Service during 2023-24 in our Annual Complaints Report below. Details of all decisions can be found on the Housing Ombudsman website.

From April 2024, the HOS had more powers under their Complaint Handling Code to make sure landlords comply. As part of this, they reviewed and strengthened the code. 

We regularly complete a self-assessment against the Complaint Handling Code, to see how we’re performing. You'll find our most recent self-assessment here

The Tenants' Champion
RHP meets formally with the Tenants' Champion, Cllr Paulina Vassileva every six months to review all Tenants’ Champion cases. We've held digital ‘round tables’ to discuss individual case-related matters and trend-led conversations. The Complaints Team are supported by relevant business owners to make sure Cllr Vasileva hears first-hand from the areas of the business that are driving contact to her office.

Annual complaints report May 2024 pdf | 0.33 MB
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