Our Housing Services strategy

Published: 18/08/2022

We've just published our Housing Services strategy, which sets out five priority areas. These are:

1. Making the best use of our housing stock.
2. Building strong communities; through the provision of good quality homes and safe places to live.
3. Protecting our most vulnerable customers and ensuring they can access services from RHP and other organisations.
4. Ensuring all customers can connect with RHP in ways that are convenient for them, with the opportunity to get involved in shaping services and giving feedback.
5. Delivering a dedicated management service for leasehold and shared ownership customers.

These priorities are aligned to our strategic objective of being a leading provider of housing services and address the themes set out in the Social Housing White Paper, as they relate to housing management and tenant empowerment.

In producing this strategy, we have taken into account the strategic aims set out within Richmond Council’s draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy, as well as the themes of the Social Housing White Paper. It is positive that the Council’s strategy sets out the partnership work with RHP: to build homes, make the best use of the limited housing available, and partnership working to support the most vulnerable in our communities.

Housing Services strategy Housing Services Strategy, 2021-2023 pdf | 6.69 MB
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