RHP & Regeneration

Published: 08/07/2020

Regeneration is the process of renewing, upgrading and in some cases replacing our customer’s homes. Where appropriate, plans may be developed for the demolition of housing blocks or housing estates, to replace them with better quality, more modern homes that improve the environment and quality of life for our customers. This will be always done with full consultation between customers and RHP to make sure that the outcomes benefit the whole community.

Sometimes regeneration can mean much smaller scale works too, finding opportunities to improve the function of our customer’s homes, or increase the amount of housing available by using areas of existing estates and blocks more creatively.

Regeneration offers us the chance to provide the best good quality homes that we can offer our customers. We’ll work with our customers to find the most eco-friendly and sustainable methods that we can achieve when going through this process.

Current projects

We have recently completed one regeneration project and have another in progress:

Fountains Close – Completed September 2019. The regeneration of Fountains Close provided 99 new homes, consisting of a mixture of flats and houses for Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership. Dramatic improvements were made to the large green, a new playground area was built and improved links were created to the River Crane for the wider community.

Ham Close – Construction commencing in Winter 2022. We are currently selecting a Development Partner for a comprehensive re-development of our Ham Close scheme. RHP is the freeholder of the 192 flats at Ham Close and together with Richmond Council we own much of the land in the area. The flats at Ham Close are of poor construction, with poor insulation by today’s standards. In addition, there are no lifts, leaving a number of flats inaccessible to people with disabilities. 

This proposed regeneration will create good quality new homes with private gardens or terraces for both existing tenants, leaseholders and new private sale customers,  as well as providing additional urgently needed new affordable homes for people within the borough.

For the latest updates check out the Ham Close website

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